Although I wasn’t unhappy with the bit I was currently using, like most riders I am always wanting to give my horse the best chance of being comfortable and performing well.

I have had 'Tolly' since he was a 5 year old and I have long term ambitions of being able to compete at FEI Grand Prix level so establishing a solid foundation and confidence in our training from the beginning is crucial for our long term ambitions. Tolly can be a sensitive and responsive horse and I was in search of a bit that encouraged him to confidently take the connection that I wanted. 

Since changing to the Sprenger Dynamic RS Loose Ring nearly 12 months ago, he has become more and more confident in our connection which is reflected not only in the competition arena given that we have now progressed to FEI Prix St George level, but also in our training at home.

The Dynamic RS design features an ergonomical shape which gives me a lovely feel of the contact; I can give soft aids with lovely acceptance and response from him. 

Whilst we have only at the very beginning our journey at the FEI level, it is such a nice feeling to have confidence in the equipment that we are using which then reflects in our performance in the arena.